Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rain, rain and more rain and Crows

It has been raining steady for about a week now. The odd sunny break here and there but the soil is cold, damp and nothing is growing. At this rate nothing will be ready for the farmers market. We had almost 2 inches of rain in the last two weeks. If I had more things in the ground I would not mind so bad but not being able to plant seeds for the last two weeks has been getting hard on the nerves. Paper work is pretty much caught up and now all I need is some sun and a slight breeze to keep the black flies at bay.

I had an incident with the crows last night. I had put my leek and onion seedlings outside on the watering table for the last two nights because I am all out of space in my greenhouse shed and I thought this would be good for hardening off the transplants before they go into the field this week. The crows had a better idea. They decided to knock the trays over and pull out the seedlings and throw them on the ground. For the trays that they did not knock over they must have dug at them with their claws because where yesterday all the leeks were standing straight they were all laying down and the roots were sticking up. I was so frustrated. I was outside first thing this morning trying to put all the seedlings back in the trays and trying to make sure all their roots were covered. Another lessons to be learned on the farm. I'm just glad they didn't do more damage. I'll have to find an owl decoy to scare them away.


Anonymous said...

Crappy about the rain man! The lake keeps rising flooding or anything...just getting higher and higher everyday. You tell those crows to back-off!! You should totally ameka cute/scary scare crow!!! hehe...

Jac said...

Your pics are amazing, I haven't been on in a while, and I quite enjoyed the story you told. made me laugh. Miss ya at work. Keep up your good work. can't wait to see you at the Market.
