Thursday, January 8, 2009

Long time no Blog

Where have I been? Well, without my trusty digital camera my blogging days have been non-existent. I find it much harder to sit down and blog without nice pretty pictures to back it up. But, enough of my excuses. Its a new year and I have to get back in the blogging habit.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday here at the farm but it sure all went quickly. We had Derek's family over early in December for the second annual Campbell Tree Hunt party. It was fun, no snow for sliding but everyone still had fun and managed to find trees. Christmas day we had my family over for the big meal and everyone had too much too eat but that's what Christmas is for right?

I have been looking through seed catalogs lately dreaming of all the new varieties of carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, flowers, etc that I'm going to plant. I usually buy way too much seed but how to chose one tomato over another, its just so hard!!! The market garden is moving across the driveway to a new field. The soil sample results show a low pH, low organic matter and mostly low everything else so we have our work ahead of us including lots of compost, more lime, some organic amendments and some good luck!!

I've also been keeping busy these days working at the down hill ski park just down the road from the farm. Its so convenient. It takes about 10 minutes to walk to work and double that to get home since its down hill there and up a monster of a hill to get back up. Its only part time but its a nice break from the paper work and on going planning that awaits me at the kitchen table. I've also been doing a bit of on farm food safety work with Island potato growers. Only a few farms so far but its been fun.

So, as I sit here at the computer with the snow swirling around and the wind howling I'm glad the wood stove is on and I'm not anxious to go back outside to give the horses water but chores must be done even in these less than ideal weather conditions.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas Holiday. Happy Gardening Planning!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for updates!!

Jen said...

hey Sis, i know, what a slacker i've been eh!!! still not feeling super motivated with no camera, oh well, gotta start somewhere

Anonymous said...

What happened to your camera? You need to get it fixed before the summer! Lots of pics to be taken then...