Ben & Jake
March officially came in like a Lion here on the Island. Our trees are covered with ice and the winds blew so hard the other night that I thought for sure the house would be blown away. Thankfully in the morning everything was where it should be minus a few tree limbs which is minor. We have been having extremly mild weather compared to other winters in the past and I can't say that I have minded that at all. I am looking forward to spring and hope it will be an early one.
It looks like we will be missing our annual organic conference for the first time in years. I will be working at the ski park and Derek will be taking care of the boys. It is being held on the Island this year so maybe we'll be able to somehow make it down. Maybe it will rain and work will be cancelled.
About half of my seeds have arrived which is always an exciting time of the year. I ordered from a new company in the states called High Mowing Seeds which carries certified organic products and they were a joy to deal with. I ordered a new piece of equipment called a broad fork from Johnny's Seeds and I'm very excited for its arrival. Ordering from the states can be a bit of an added expense but the selection is greater and often the organic seeds are quite a bit cheaper than at our local seed store.
Here are a few pictures of Ben & Jake a 7.5 months. They are such good little boys, we are so lucky.