The large share this week has strawberries, cilantro, baby beets, green onions, snap peas, swiss chard, red kale, arugual, mizuna, radish, baby carrots and spicy red mustard. The small share had lettuce mix, spinach, arugula, green onions, baby carrots, kohlrabi, summer turnip and strawberries. The grab box had chinese cabbage, dill, lettuce heads and lots of the above.
Sun ripened to perfection!!! Sweet and juicy. I had a hard time bringing them to the pick-up as I really wanted to eat them myself!!
Mizuna - Mild salad green or it can also be added to the tail end of a stir-fry
Swiss chard - Can be eaten raw, lightly steamed, sauteed or enjoyed in an omelet.
Spicy purple mustard - Chop and add to salad greens or enjoy sauteed with other greens. It loses alot of the spiceyness when its cooked
Most of the bins ready to get loaded back into the truck.
Picture perfect summer turnip
Everyone lending a hand
Such great helpers
Family shot of us all geared up in our bug coats!!
Perfect arugula - Add to a salad for a bit of a kick
Red kale - A member of the cabbage family and is very rich in vitamin A, C and has the highest protein content of all cultivate vegetables (source: From Asparagus to Zucchini)
Nancy Jane Pierce's Spicy Kale
kale leaves
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 garlic cloves or use scapes if you have some
crushed red pepper flakes
1/3-1/2 cup chicken or vegetable broth
Bring 2 quarts of salted water to a boil. Add kale, reduce heat to simmer, cover, and cook 7 minutes. Drain and immediately rinse in cold water to stop the cooking. Squeeze water out of the greens. Heat olive oil in the same pot and add garlic and red pepper flakes to taste. Sauté 1 minute, then stir in kale and chicken or vegetable broth. Simmer 4-5 minutes. makes 4-6 servings. (Source" From Asparagus to Zucchini)
Super sugar snap peas - Awesome snack food. You eat the pod and all.
Double rainbow, a great way to end a busy harvest day
If you have some Kohlabi kicking around from last week or in the small basket this week there are several possabilites in cooking. We have eaten it raw but I have a great cook book with the following recipe that I'm looking forward to trying.
Sauteed Kohlrabi
2 kohlrabi
2 tablespoons butter or light oil
1 medium onion, diced (or use a few of the green onions)
1 tablespoon fresh herbs (they suggest thyme, chives, sage, but try the dill or cilantry from the grab box)
1 teaspoon salt
Grate kohlrabi, place in colander, and sprinkle with salt. Let stand 30 minutes to drain. Heat butter over medium heat, add onions, and sauté a few minutes. Stir in kohlrabi, reduce heat to low, cover and cook 10 minutes. Increase heat to medium and cook 2 moree minutes. Remove from hat and stir in fresh herbs. makes 2-4 servings. (source: From Asparagus to Zucchini)
We had a nice birthday party for the boys this past weekend and we celebrated with our families and strawberry short cake!! Ben & Jake love strawberries!! It's hard to believe they are two already.
Been following your blog for awhile now, and just have a quick question for you. How are you liking your regi weeder??? And how does it compare to the G you just started using. We have a old G we are thinking of restoring, but wondering if the regi weeder may be better, we grow mostly squash and pumpkins.
Hi George. I love the regi weeder. It works amazing if you time things right. We use it for broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, squash and anything else that runs on 1-2 rows/bed. It can be hard on small plants as it throws a bit of dirt and our field is a heavy clay which is rather annoying when it throws dirt but when the plants get a bit bigger it does not matter. Even when the plants get a bit bigger it still works well because the discs just seem to run the plants threw them, very seldom damaging the plants. We are very pleased with ours. Our G is not actually working yet, we have to widen it out to fit our spacing and it needs a new starter. We are hoping by the end of the week it'll be up and running. We made extensions for the eco this year as we found the tires of the weeder were always in the way when trying to weed a bed with 2 rows. But all in all, its a great machine. But you always need the second person!!! that is our biggest issue, trying to get a good day and have both Derek and I home. does not happen very often!
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