The CSA season is in full swing with tonnes of farm fresh veggies filling the bins to over flowing. Today's weather was bight and clear with not a rain drop in sight. It was a beautiful weather weekend so hopefully the summer weather that seemed to evade us might stick around for awhile and continue late into the fall. We had a great night of rain which was welcome news to my newly transplanted fall crops as well as the tiny seeds I planted on the weekend. It's a hard call to make deciding when to plant seeds for fall harvests but I try and plan it to provide greens into the late fall for the baskets.
This weeks large share had carrots, potatoes, broccoli, lettuce mix, garlic, yellow and red onions, beans, green cabbage, swiss chard, beets and zucchini. The grab box had cilantro, dill, basil, parsley, leaf celery, kale, baby turnips and more of the above. Everyone seemed to enjoy weighing out their own veggies and its great to see the kids wanting to be so much "help"!! I will have to get another scale to try and speed things up a bit.
It was a very busy weekend around the farm. I finally was able to get the last of the garlic harvested and its now hanging out in the barn curing for fall/winter eating. The garlic we are saving for seed is curing in the greenhouse shed and I'm very pleased with the size of the bulbs this year, very nice indeed!! I got a wack of weeds eliminated from the onion patch which was long overdue and my back got a good workout during bean harvest. The weather was amazing so I finally felt like progress was made. Yippie.
A sure sign of summer, ripe tomatoes. Our tomato crop is very behind this year but hopefully it will catch up soon. Don't be alarmed, there is nothing wrong with my fingers, its just what they look like at this time of the year. Good farm girl hands!!
My new favorite veggie, lemon cucumbers. Hopefully there will be enough for next weeks baskets. So far Ben & Jake have been eating the ones I have been picking. Perfect size for a mid-day garden snack
We have a tonne of broccoli this week. I was explaining to members today at the pick-up about the side shoots that produce after the main stock is harvested. This picture shows it perfectly
The zucchini patch has officially exploded as of today. I harvested over 300 of the little beauties of varies sizes from nice grill size to super size bakers. I may have over planted by just a wee bit!!! So, if your looking to make any loafs or any other zucchini inspired dishes this would be the week. And no fear, there will be more next week!!!
Happy eating : )
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